Inviting U.S. Fulbright Grantees to Sweden

The Fulbright Commission provides a number of opportunities for universities, academic institutions and other organizations to host individual grantees in Sweden.

Current Hosting Opportunities:

Fulbright Specialist Program: Host institutions may invite U.S. experts in a variety of fields to Sweden for visits of 2-6 weeks for one-time or multiple visits. Click here for further program details.

Intercountry Lecture Program: U.S. Fulbright Scholars already in Europe may be invited to visit Sweden for a short period (minimum of 2 days) to lecture or to share knowledge and expertise. Travel costs from the European host country to Sweden will be covered by the Fulbright Commission in Sweden. Click here for the list of current U.S. Scholars and for details on how to apply.

For Prospective Hosts:

Letters of invitation or affiliation: Please see the corresponding page (U.S. Students or U.S. Scholars) for guidelines on writing letters of invitation or affiliation.

Education USA: The Swedish Fulbright Commission offers support for secondary school and university guidance counselors (studievägledare), as well as individual students, who have questions about studying in the U.S. at any level. Visit our advising page for resources about studying in the U.S. and contact information for booking a session with an EducationUSA adviser.