Once a Fulbrighter...

Being a Fulbrighter doesn't necessarily end with the conclusion of your Fulbright grant period; it is a part of your identity that we hope will you will continue to benefit from throughout your lifetime.

The Fulbright alumni association in Sweden offers opportunities for professional, intellectual and social interaction with other Fulbrighters. The association holds regular events and publishes news of interest to the larger Fulbright community and is a great way to stay connected to the Fulbright program and to network with other Fulbright alumni.

Since the inception of the program in 1952, more than 1,700 Americans have been to Sweden on a Fulbright grant, and more than 1,900 Swedish Fulbrighters can look back on a year in the United States. Interacting with your fellow Fulbrighters is a good way to establish useful networking partners and to expand your own horizons.

For Swedes, your local alumni group is the Swedish Fulbright Alumni Association (SFAA), an energetic group that organizes events throughout the year. If you're not already a member, or would like to be more involved, please don't hesitate to register.

For Americans, the best way to keep in touch is through one of the global alumni associations organized by region in the U.S. such as U.S. Department of State Alumni and the Fulbright Association. If you are interested in keeping up to date with what is happening in Sweden, consider joining the SFAA as well.


Swedish Fulbright grantees are among some of the most active in Swedish society. Among our alumni are a twice former Prime Minister, members of parliament, former and current heads of international organizations, two Nobel Laureates, ambassadors and diplomats, respected academics, leaders in private industry, and many others who are renowned in a variety of creative fields.

Current Grantees

In addition to their academic activities, Fulbright grantees are involved in their local communities as cultural ambassadors. Representing a wide scope of academic fields and home universities, both grantees and alumni can serve as an excellent source of firsthand information for prospective applicants.

Here are the lists of the current year's Swedish and American Fulbright grantees:

2024-25 US Grantees

2024-25 Swedish Grantees