Fulbright Arctic Initiative
The competition for the fourth phase of the Fulbright Arctic Initiative (FAI IV) is now closed for candidates from the Arctic countries: Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Canada, Denmark and the United States. During this 18-month program, which began September 2024, FAI IV brings together a network of professionals, practitioners, and researchers for monthly webinars, thematic group collaboration, three in-person meetings, and an individual exchange opportunity. FAI IV will address key research and policy questions related to promoting Arctic Security through a diverse, multi-dimensional, cooperative interdisciplinary framework.
Scholars for this iteration of the program focus their research on one of the following areas:
⚬ Climate Change and Arctic Resources
⚬ Arctic Security and Governance
⚬ Mental Health and Well-being
Please consult the Fulbright Arctic website for program details, information webinars, program deliverables, activity schedule and thematic research topics. Click here for the information flyer.
Grant Benefits
⚬ Fulbright branding
⚬ USD 40,000 (equivalent paid in SEK)
⚬ Accommodation and meals for all group meetings
⚬ Coverage of SEVIS and U.S. J-1 visa fees
⚬ Accident and sickness insurance for grantee
Annual Timeline
November 2023: online application opens
March 1, 2024: application deadline
May 2024: notification of selection
September 2024: group meeting (held in Norway)
Winter 2025: group meeting (held in Denmark)
Spring 2026: final group meeting (held in Washington, D.C.)
Swedish citizenship (dual U.S. and Swedish citizens may NOT apply)
Proficiency in English
A Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree is preferred, but not required
Preference will be given to early or mid-career academics, applied researchers and/or professionals with research experience in the public, non-profit or private sectors
Applicants should have particular expertise and research experience in one of the identified thematic research areas
The Fulbright Arctic Initiative
Swedish applicants are not required to contact the Swedish Fulbright Commission before applying.
The Fulbright Arctic Initiative will create a network to stimulate international scientific collaboration on Arctic issues while increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Using a collaborative model to translate theory into practice, program participants will spend 18 months engaged in addressing public‐policy research questions relevant to Arctic nations’ shared challenges and opportunities. 19 outstanding scholars from the U.S. and abroad will be selected to participate in the program as Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholars through an open, merit‐based competition. At least four of the scholars will be selected from the United States and at least one scholar will be selected from each of the other Arctic Council member states.
Successful candidates can be from all career stages, including applied researchers, professionals, and indigenous and traditional knowledge experts active in the academic, public or private sectors that demonstrate outstanding qualifications and a record of experience and accomplishment in an area clearly related to one of the designated research themes. Applicants must be actively engaged in an area of inquiry or activity relevant to the program themes and objectives, be open to exploring and incorporating comparative, interdisciplinary approaches in their investigations, and interested in developing collaborative activities with other Fulbright Arctic Scholars.
The following materials comprise a complete application:
⚬ Application form submitted online
⚬ Statement of purpose (three to five pages)
⚬ Bibliography (up to three pages)
⚬ Curriculum vitae (up to six pages)
⚬ Letters of recommendation (two)
⚬ Letter of invitation (recommended but not required)*
* All recommended Arctic Initiative candidates who are funded will be affiliated at sites appropriate for the proposed work. In some cases, applicants will correspond with colleagues at institutions or research centers and, in effect, arrange their own placements. Applicants are welcome to provide a letter of invitation from a potential host institution. Scholars without proposed affiliations can be assisted by Arctic Initiative co-lead Scholars, IIE and/or Fulbright Commissions in finding appropriate hosts. Review committee members are welcome to suggest possible affiliation sites for the recommended candidates.
Following the initial screening process of applications, nominated candidates will be invited to submit a short, personal video recording. IIE will convene a final review committee including the co-lead scholars to consider all applications recommended for the Fulbright Arctic Initiative in early May 2024.
Successful finalists will be notified by May 2024.
Selected finalists will need to complete and submit a U.S. Medical History and Examination Form (provided by the Commission) and copies of their passport data pages.
For questions regarding this program, please contact the Commission at fulbright@fulbright.se / 08 534 818 85.